Our commitment

Tailored service
An international transport often requires a bespoke service. We take the time to understand exactly what your needs are and provide the appropriate service.

Simplify your transport
We take care of your transports, so you can concentrate on the event itself.

Quick response
Whenever you have a question, we react quickly to any issue that might be encountered in transit.
The Management Team
The best ideas do not lead to anything without the right people. So meet the team that will look after your shipments and will make sure that your ideas lead to the results you expect.

Véronique Barlay
Project Manager Fine Arts & Events

Jérôme Perrin
Managing Director

Sandra Ruppé
Project Manager Domestic & European Exhibitions/Live Events

Agnès Hellec
Administrative and Financial Services
How we got to where we are today: The story of GES
In the course of their respective careers, Jérôme Perrin and Hervé Lavallée have accumulated extensive international experience. In 1997, they realize that companies attending international trade fairs often face difficulties. They spend too much time trying to work out how to transport their exhibition materials in the best possible way, instead of concentrating on the event itself.
So Jérôme and Hervé launch GES, a transporting company that takes care of international transports destined for trade fairs and exhibitions. Ever since, they have put their logistics experience at the disposal of their clients, making sure that all international transports run smoothly, from door to door.
The team has grown steadily and since 2001, GES has added the transport of Fine Arts to their range of services, with a dedicated and experienced point of contact. Until today, the company has continued to develop and grow its reputation as a trustworthy partner for its clients and network of forwarding agents, whatever the transport.
In 2005 GES becomes a member of the French Federation for the Exhibition and Events Trade (Fédération Française des Métiers de l’Exposition et de l’Évenement).
In 2013, GES wins a 3-year tender to become the official partner of ‘Business France’ for all their transports in France and Europe , a contract that was prolonged in 2016.
In 2016, GES joins IELA (International Exhibition Logistics Association), the prestigious trade association that regroups specialist transit and transportation companies with a proven track-record in their particular area of expertise.
Not convinced yet ? Let’s let our clients do the talking.

J’apprécie chez Global Exposition Services le fait d’avoir des interlocuteurs réguliers et fiables ayant intégré notre problématique. Cela met en confiance et permet de gagner du temps.

GES est une entreprise réactive en ce qui concerne les demandes clients, très flexible selon les besoins. Les démarches administratives sont facilitées au maximum pour rendre les transports de marchandises les plus efficaces possible.

Cela fait maintenant plus de 5 ans que nous travaillons avec GES (Global Exposition Services) pour le transport de nos palettes sur les salons à l’International (et récemment sur Paris), 5 années marquées par le professionnalisme des équipes toujours à l’écoute de nos demandes, la qualité des transports, et la ponctualité des livraisons (quel que soit le jour de livraison demandé).
GES a toujours su répondre à nos demandes spécifiques liées à notre domaine d’activité et proposé des devis en conséquence.
De ce fait, nous avons régulièrement recommandé GES autour de nous.